V 143 - Kalendář stolní

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail2411500485027. 08. 2024VIKPAP GROUP s.r.o.3 254,902 690,003 254,902 690,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailOFFICE-CENTRUM s.r.o.Praha4 598,003 800,00CZKNo
DetailVIKPAP GROUP s.r.o.Krnov3 254,902 690,00CZKYes
DetailVV TOP s.r.o.Brno5 082,004 200,00CZKNo
DetailINTERPAP Office, s.r.o.Děčín4 174,503 450,00CZKNo
DetailK O D E X Hořovice s.r.o.Hořovice4 549,603 760,00CZKNo
DetailRec 21 s.r.o.Ostrava4 501,203 720,00CZKNo